31st National Congress CDUO2024

31st National Congress CDUO2024

From the 20th to the 24th of June 2024, Generali Convention Center Trieste hosted the 31st National Congress of the University Teaching Boards in Odontostomatology (CDUO2024). The event was organized together with the University of Trieste and focused on the topics of sustainability and predictability in both the private and the public sectors of dentistry.

During the three-days event, in addition to the traditional meetings and poster sessions, the XXII National Congress of the National Committee of Dental Hygiene Courses took place on Friday and Saturday. There were also other occasions for meeting, discussion and exchange, such as the PHD Day, as well as the opportunity for those taking part into the poster session, to participate to the Macaluso Prize.

Overall, almost 2,000 people participated, 20 scientific sub-events were held, with a total of 180 speakers, and 671 posters were displayed in the dedicated session. The event, a national point of reference for the dental sector, proved – once again – to be a success.


  • Date : 20 June 2024 - 22 June 2024